5th january 2009


                                    love / life                                                                                         quantum / inanimacy

                                        1 x 1                                                                                                      1 + 1

                                        and                                                                                                         and

                                       1 ¸ Ö                                                                                                      1  - ½

17th november 2009 

whole numbers that have whole numbers as their square root

1... 4...  9... 16... 25... 36... 49... 64... 81... 100... 121... 144... 169... 196... 225...

(the above numbers may become part of the theory of consciousness)

it can be seen that perfect square numbers are themselves the result of squaring whole numbers

1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7... etc

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