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the principle that, when appraised and weighed along with genetic theory, forces us to conclude that life and the universe (it is now acknowledged that the universe is, in all probability, expanding forever) exist for each other in an unending partnership







27th october 2011

the universe is finite and so it has a definite mass or weight

it follows that a definite mass/weight, when subject to a given set of circumstances, will give rise to specific events

in particular the specific events that followed the big bang determined the electric charge of the electron

they also determined the strength of the nuclear force of atoms

the electric charge of an electron and the strength of the nuclear force of atoms are but two of the things known as the constants of nature

they are called constants of nature because wherever we go in the universe they will be the same

and they are that way because of the amount of mass/weight to begin with

fairly recently it was realized that if the constants of nature were to have been different by only the tiniest amount then carbon would not have been produced

if carbon hadn't occurred in the universe then we wouldn't be here either

because of the unnaturally high number of coincidences that has to exist amongst the constants of nature in order for carbon, and consequently ourselves, to exist we can no longer think of ourselves as being a thing of chance

this new way of thinking about ourselves in relation to the universe is called the anthropic principle

unfortunately it leaves us with a sequence of events that doesn't make sense

for now we are thinking about the notion of a designer-principle universe that, in defiance of the law of averages, begins the life processes on a planet that formed out of carbon and other elements at the earliest possible moment a planet could have occurred after the universe began and maintains those processes for 3000 000 000 years so as to predispose conditions so that bipeds can evolve and then fails utterly at the first attempt

(the dinosaurs)

if it failed with the dinosaurs it could fail with us


and consequently with any other class of being that might evolve

how on earth can you have a designer principle universe, with all the fabulous powers that such a concept implies, that has to get every single thing... the electric charge of the electron, the position of the earth in relation to the sun, the configuration of the dna strands, the... etc. etc. exactly right for the sole purpose of allowing the emergence of beings who can understand the reason for their existence but the same process then becomes bungling and inept when it matters most

it just doesn't make sense

however; if we introduce the novel idea that from amongst the dinosaurs one species, man shaped, succeeded in attaining a level of sophistication that enabled it to achieve perpetuation independent of earth and then after 65 000 000 years of mammal dominated evolution, which is roughly half as long as dinosaurs ruled for, another, man shaped species


achieve a level of sophistication which enables us to perpetuate independent of earth

it not only makes sense, a pattern is emerging and we can further speculate that...

in 30 000 000 years, which will be roughly half as long as mammals ruled for, another class of being will evolve from which one species, man shaped, will attain a level of sophistication that will enable it to perpetuate independent of earth

which in turn allows this speculation...

the universe/earth/life evolutionary processes allows for the continuation of different classes of man shaped beings to evolve until the sun becomes too unstable in about 5000 000 000 years

allowing for another 1000 classes of man shaped beings to evolve, each one as different to the next as dinosaurs are to mammals, and then permuting just 30 of a possible 1000 we achieve a figure of 250 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000

the idea of a man shaped dinosaur isn't new

that they might be alive and well is

such speculation appears to have no real contact with what we are doing here and now but is it not the very nature of our being to wonder what the future holds for our children

so cherish and nurture our existence, co-lovers, for the anthropic principle is spelling it out


page 7 was handed out in august 1993 in exeter high street